CommentLuv can be used to promote your blog in many ways. Lucky for me, I can use CommentLuv here on this Blogspot blog thanks to a plugin from IntenseDebate.
Unfortunately, at this time CommentLuv is not available as part of the commenting system on my blog due to the limitations placed on all bloggers that exclude the use of scripts. If you're a blogger don't let that stop you from opening an account and registering your blogs for CommentLuv.
Right now there's a fabulous contest going on over at CommentLuv which is sponsored in conjunction with another one of my favorite blogs FamousBloggers (you can see the Grand Tour of FamousBloggers here). This contest is offering over $3,550 worth of cash prize awards that will be shared with at least 20 bloggers. I'm glad that I don't have to decide the winner of this contest because the quality of the posts is exceptional and there is no shortage of bloggers that can attest to the benefits of using CommentLuv. This #FBCL contest is bringing the best out of everyone involved and each submission is a classic example of what I mean when I say "CommentLuv Gives Your Blog Heart."
It's one of the most friendly, fun"luv"ing competitions I've seen with each blogger supporting each other's posts by commenting, retweeting and promoting them on every social network on the planet!
One of the contest submissions (I'm not going to say which one until the contest is over) inspired me to create this video. In the video I demonstrate how to add a default link to your CommentLuv account. You see, adding a default link will give you the flexibility to include links from your older blog posts in your CommentLuv signature. That way whenever you comment on a CommentLuv enabled blog (like this one for example) you have additional links to choose from including your favorite post, no matter how far back it is in your timeline! This also gives you added flexibility to include one of your links that's more closely related to the content of the post you're commenting on.
In the video I promised to tell you how you can get credits for your CommentLuv account. There are really four ways you can do this, but this one is my favorite:
Now you can watch my CommentLuv Video Playlist containing every video tutorial I recorded on the topic can be found in CommentLuv Video Tutorial Playlist on YouTube.
Smooches! ♥
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Unfortunately, at this time CommentLuv is not available as part of the commenting system on my blog due to the limitations placed on all bloggers that exclude the use of scripts. If you're a blogger don't let that stop you from opening an account and registering your blogs for CommentLuv.
"There are 3,014 active ComLuv blogs (blogs with CommentLuv installed and working) and 24,821 registered ComLuv users (people who have registered with CommentLuv to be able to choose on of their last ten posts or use default links)."My advice, regardless of your blogging platform, register your blogs for a CommentLuv account today!
Right now there's a fabulous contest going on over at CommentLuv which is sponsored in conjunction with another one of my favorite blogs FamousBloggers (you can see the Grand Tour of FamousBloggers here). This contest is offering over $3,550 worth of cash prize awards that will be shared with at least 20 bloggers. I'm glad that I don't have to decide the winner of this contest because the quality of the posts is exceptional and there is no shortage of bloggers that can attest to the benefits of using CommentLuv. This #FBCL contest is bringing the best out of everyone involved and each submission is a classic example of what I mean when I say "CommentLuv Gives Your Blog Heart."
It's one of the most friendly, fun"luv"ing competitions I've seen with each blogger supporting each other's posts by commenting, retweeting and promoting them on every social network on the planet!
One of the contest submissions (I'm not going to say which one until the contest is over) inspired me to create this video. In the video I demonstrate how to add a default link to your CommentLuv account. You see, adding a default link will give you the flexibility to include links from your older blog posts in your CommentLuv signature. That way whenever you comment on a CommentLuv enabled blog (like this one for example) you have additional links to choose from including your favorite post, no matter how far back it is in your timeline! This also gives you added flexibility to include one of your links that's more closely related to the content of the post you're commenting on.
"Write an awesome tutorial on your own CommentLuv enabled site about how to use the features of the ComLuv site or plugin. Especially if it has step by step images."Give your blog some heart and sign up or add default links to your CommentLuv account today! I suggest you follow Andy Bailey, Gail Gardner from GrowMap and Hesham from FamousBloggers on Twitter. If you have questions, holla at your girl (that's me).
Now you can watch my CommentLuv Video Playlist containing every video tutorial I recorded on the topic can be found in CommentLuv Video Tutorial Playlist on YouTube.
Smooches! ♥
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