I started blogging about 2 weeks ago using wordpress.com. My friend is using blogger and doesn't have time to explore all of the features right now so she challenged me to investigate and share my experience in a blog. I'd love nothing more than to be known as the Blog Queen of my inner-circle so extra time is the least of my worries. In fact my biggest (computer related) problem right now is trying to remember all of these frigging passwords! But I digress.
For the next few weeks (or however long it takes) I will set out to compare the two different blogging platforms including their themes, templates, tags, gizmos, comments, gadgets and widgets to see which one I like best. Ironically I know that my friend will end up sticking with blogger no matter what the outcome of my findings are. So now you are thinking that this just might be a waste of my precious time....
That's what friends are for.
So far we know that Blogger "labels" are not the same as Wordpress "tags", right?
Yes and no. In WP (Wordpress)the tags have more functionality (more about this in my next post). I have not found any of the functions of labels yet.
I also haven't figured out how to edit my comments yet on blogger. So forgive the typos. btw - I am still practicing omitting the extra space after a period, but that has nothing to do with this post.
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